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Substance Abuse: Recognize the Signs: References

Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology. by Stanley P. Kutcher, Judy Fletcher (Editor) Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry by Sadock (Ed) and Sadock (Ed) 2008

Practitioner's Guide to Psychoactive Drugs for Children and Adolescents. by John S. Werry (Editor),Michael G. Aman (Editor) Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives (Counseling and Psychotherapy); Lee M. Cohen, Frank L. Collins Jr., Alice Young, and Dennis E. McChargue; Routledge; 2009

Update on harm-reduction policy and intervention research. Marlatt GA, Witkiewitz K. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2010 Apr 27;6:591-606.

Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry/[edited by] Theodore A. Stern, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum; Mosby, Inc.; 2008

Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment; Peter M. Miller (Editor); Academic Press; 2009

Adolescent substance use and abuse: recognition and management; Griswold KS - Am Fam Physician - 1-FEB-2008; 77(3): 331-6

Youth substance use and abuse: challenges and strategies for identification and intervention; Leslie K - CMAJ - 15-JAN-2008; 178(2): 145-8

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