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Smoking and Children: References

Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives (Counseling and Psychotherapy); Lee M. Cohen, Frank L. Collins Jr., Alice Young, and Dennis E. McChargue; Routledge; 2009

Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry/[edited by] Theodore A. Stern, Jerrold F. Rosenbaum; Mosby, Inc.; 2008

Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment; Peter M. Miller (Editor); Academic Press; 2009

Adolescent substance use and abuse: recognition and management; Griswold KS - Am Fam Physician - 1-FEB-2008; 77(3): 331-6

Youth substance use and abuse: challenges and strategies for identification and intervention; Leslie K - CMAJ - 15-JAN-2008; 178(2): 145-8

Facts on Youth Smoking, Health, and Performance at

Report Shows Recent Progress in Decreasing Youth Tobacco Use, But Much Work Remains at

Age-specific Advice at

Talking to Your Child About Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco at

Smoking at

What to Do if Your Kid Smokes or Chews Tobacco at

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